29 January 2011

hip-me.tv episode 2

Check out the dutch internet tv show of hip-me.com , hip-me.tv

hip-me.com is founded by a partnership with Richard Jordan, Patrick Kalle (dutch hair) and Multovation.com The core business of hip me will be education via the internet to support all the hair artist of the world. hip-me.com wil be a revolutionary socialmedia site with 3d education, free membership and tons of interactive tools to share and enjoy everything about hair!. 3d education will give you a new perspective in how education can be used to make you an all-round hair entrepreneur.

This episode is all about the next Farouk show, Xposed, Social(media)talk and great new from america's NBC show, The apprentice.

More about hip-me.com at www.hip-me.com or http://hip-me.blogspot.com/